Can technology helps us evolve spiritually? Is it possible to rejuvenate at the cellular level?
Join me for a look at some of the most innovative technology available today. The Trinfinity8 was developed by Dr. Kathy Forti as the result of a near death experience.
Trinfinity8 is the first system of its kind to use a personal computer to deliver non-invasive rejuvenation programs based on mathematical code, vibrational energies, and fractal formulations. These programs are in harmony with core energetics that encompass all of nature. It is the first bio-energetic device to use pure quartz crystals rods to directly deliver information to the body.
The presentation will give a brief overview of the technology. Then, you will have the opportunity to experience the Trinfinity8. It is a truly unique and profound experience.
Join us!
Call 330-477-0777 for more info or go to http://www.merginghearts.org/