For those interested in expanding their therapeutic skills, I'll be teaching a First Degree Reiki seminar at
Stark State College in August this year. The Seminar will be Friday and Saturday, August 19 and 20 from 9:30 to 3:30 each day. T

he course fee is $200.
Reiki (pronounced ray’-key) is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy. The Usui System of Reiki was born out of the experience and dedication of Dr. Mikao Usui in the late 1800’s. It provides a means of accessing and focusing this energy for personal well-being and growth.
Reiki helps balance physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy. It is a powerful tool for health and wellness, stress reduction and self-care. This natural healing art supports the body’s ability to heal physical ailments and may open the mind to the root causes of disease and pain.
Reiki can be effectively incorporated into the healing arts practiced by massage therapists, nurses, counselors and physicians. Anyone can easily learn to use this holistic tool to create balanced wellness in life.
In the First Degree weekend seminar you will learn the history of Reiki, how to treat yourself and others, and the five precepts of Reiki. This is a relaxed, experiential workshop with time practicing and sharing your experience.
For more information you can contact me at 330-477-0777.